It was right there all long..

I’m cutting out the last of the Magnolia wood for the scripture blocks next Sunday. Right at the end of this first piece it lined up to leave the very end of one that Brandi tested burning on. Since we we first got these out of a garage almost 4 years ago we have racked our brains on what to use them for.

It didn’t hit me at first when I cut it off today either. I was too concentrated on what I was doing in cutting to really see what God was showing me.

She simply burned the word Love and a little Flower in it.

Then it hit me.. WOW… God had a plan for these four years ago, for exactly at this time. Everyone of those Strength of Heart Magnolia Blocks has had a message of His love through scripture, with a heart on them! It was foretold to us four years ago what they’d have on them.

I did not realize that until now. 🙏

I’m kind of sad we probably won’t ever have Magnolia in here to work on together again.

But, I am so grateful now that we had any at all, to work on together in His name for this little moment in time.

What’s the message here?

He has a plan for every “little” thing he brings into your life for the right time.

It may not last long and it may be only for just a moment.

Open your heart and please let Him in.

He has so many “little” things to show you everyday that he put into your life for this day, many years ago.


Jesus Loves You.

